D-Rock yells, ATTACK PATTERN DELTA, as D-rock throws his silver freze me jim and paula blade strom it at the same time. but this was no any other rage ghost. it survived and used a shockwave attack that thrown us into different parts of the carrabeon, me into the thrall room isle tormenta, rock into the cave of lost souls by foul, jim into the cave of lost souls by bellrog, and paula on el patrons ship
CH 3 nate redgulls chalenges
first thing i see after i wake up is a thrall captail swinging his sword at me, i skill fully parry it as i get up and jumping slash him, as he falls down, i thrust my sword into his head killing him as i walk out of the thrall room without any more trouble, jolly roger apears out of no were and hipnotises me, jolly says- you will help me take over the carrabeon with help help of darbodeon fury. gain there trust and hipnoise them, jolly gives me the hipnotising rod as i go out of the caves looking for my lost guild.