Neon has a mission to find out what it is like to be a solo pirate in our guild.
In that regard he is not like the other pirates in the Romp family.
This doesn't mean he can never teleport to anyone--if someone in guild says "tp to me" that applies to him as much as any other guildie.
So far he has only been given help with three teleports needed to do his teleportation quests.
One trick he needed early on--rely on the small size of the light sloop. Enemy ships have a harder time hitting you and when they are big and you are little, it's best that they don't hit you at all.
You can also jump off the wheel and fire cannon several times to sink ships such as panthers, sentinels, bulwarks and vipers.Gold Runs with pirates such as Peter and Sheriff were an excellent way to level up cannon; that leveling is needed to get the points to make a pirate a good shooter in Cannon Defense.
The Harshest Requirement--When he does Raven's Cove Quest he must help the traitor ghost, alone, using only sword. Given the amount of time he is putting into the Black Pearl Quest, he isn't gaining weapon strength as fast as is expected for a Romp family pirate. This will show up when he goes to defend the traitor ghost.
Frozen Assets - 20,000 of Neon's gold is frozen until after he finishes Raven's Cove. Thor hit 200,000 and wanted to transfer some of it so he could "un-max".